
{January 19, 2012}  

Menghapus data perangkat, aplikasi pihak ketiga, atau file kartu media

Sebelum Anda menghapus data perangkat BlackBerry® atau file kartu media, pertimbangkan untuk mencadangkan semua item ini sehingga Anda mempunyai salinannya pada komputer.


Jika Anda telah mengaktifkan penyandian, proses penghapusan semua data perangkat dapat memakan waktu satu jam untuk menyelesaikannya. Anda tidak dapat menghentikan proses setelah Anda memulainya. Jika Anda telah mereset perangkat proses akan dijalankan ulang setelah perangkat dihidupkan ulang.

    1.  Pada layar Asal atau dalam sebuah folder, klik ikon Opsi.
    2. Klik Opsi Keamanan.
    3. Klik Penghapusan Keamanan.
Baca selanjutnya di : ilmuti.com

{January 10, 2012}   Persamaan Linier Pada Matriks

_Aljabar linear adalah bidang studi matematika yang mempelajari sistem persamaan linear dan solusinya, vektor, serta transformasi linear. Matriks dan operasinya juga merupakan hal yang berkaitan erat dengan bidang aljabar linear.

Kita sering menemui persamaan linier dengan beberapa variabel. Di dalam aljabar, solusi persamaan tersebut bisa ditemukan, salah satunya dengan menggunakan matriks. Misalkan kita tinjau sistem persamaan linier dengan variabel x1 dan x2.

x1 – 2 x2 = 32 12 x1 + 5 x2 = 7

Dalam bentuk matriks bisa kita tuliskan:

X = A-1B ; di mana A-1 ialah invers matriks A

Dalam MATLAB kita tuliskan:

>> A=[1 –2;12 5]; B=[32;7]; >> X=inv(A)*B X = 6.0000 -13.0000

Sehingga kita dapatkan solusi x1 = 6 dan x2 = -13. Atau kita juga bisa mendapatkan solusi tersebut dengan operator pembagian terbalik:

>> X=A\B X = 6.0000 -13.0000

Sebagai bahan latihan, cobalah Anda pecahkan persamaan linier dengan tiga variabel berikut ini.

x + 2y + 3z = 2 4x + 5y + 6z = -5,5 7x + 8y – 9z = -49


Salah satu operasi yang penting dalam matriks ialah transposisi, dituliskan dalam MATLAB dengan operator petik tunggal ( ‘ ) dan titik-petik ( .’ ). Operasi ini mempertukarkan baris dan kolom dari suatu matriks atau vektor.

Mari kita praktekkan contoh berikut ini untuk memahami kedua operator di atas.

>> Mat_riil=[1 0; 3 5], Mat_kompleks=[1+2i 3i; 1 2+3i] Mat_riil = 1 0 3 5 Mat_kompleks = 1.0000 + 2.0000i 0 + 3.0000i 1.0000 2.0000 + 3.0000i >> Transp_riil=Mat_riil’,Transp_kompleks=Mat_kompleks’ Transp_riil = 1 3 0 5 Transp_kompleks = 1.0000 – 2.0000i 1.0000 0 – 3.0000i 2.0000 – 3.0000i >> Transp_riil2=Mat_riil.’ Transp_riil2 = 1 3 0 5 >> Transp_kompleks2=Mat_kompleks.’ Transp_kompleks2 = 1.0000 + 2.0000i 1.0000 0 + 3.0000i 2.0000 + 3.0000

Sumber : udienskhusy.com/search/operasi-pembagianpadamatriks

Sumber : http://prodisi.wordpress.com/2009/06/01/operasi-pada-matrik/

Sumber : ilab.gunadarma.ac.id

{January 10, 2012}   Profil


Nama                                        : Puspa Widanti

Alamat                                      : Villa Tomanng Baru, Tangerang

Agama                                      : Islam

Tempat Tanggal Lahir         : Pangkal Pinang, 12 Maret 1993

Pendidikan                            : Sedang Proses Diploma 3

Hoby                                      : membaca comik, renang, dsb

{January 6, 2012}   Absensi


The Federal Reserve System, as an independent agency of the United States government, is charged with overseeing the national banking system. Since 1913 the Federal Reserve System, commonly called the Fed, has served as the central bank for the United Stated.

The System’s primarily function is to control monetary policy by influencing the cost and availability of money and credit through the purchase and sale of government securities.

In collaboration with the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Fed puts new coins and paper currency into circulation by issuing them to banks. It also supervises the activities of member banks abroad, and regulates certain aspects of international finance.


First, they were a team. Both men worked congenially and cooperatively, read the same books, located and shared information, talked incessantly about the possibility of manned flight, and served as a consistent source of inspiration and encouragement to each other. Quite simply, two geniuses are better than one.

They had realized from their experiments that the most serious challenge in manned flight would be stabilizing and maneuvering the aircraft once it was airborne.

In addition, the Wright brothers had designed more effective wings for the airplane than had been previously engineered.

The data from these experiments allowed the Wright brothers to construct a superior wing for their aircraft.


The earliest authentic works on European alchemy are those of the English monk Roger Bacon and the German philosopher St. Albertus Magnus. In their treatises they maintained that gold was the perfect metal and that inferior metals such as lead and mercury were removed by various degrees of imperfection from gold.

Most of the early alchemists were artisans who were accustomed to keeping trade secrets and often resorted to cryptic terminology to record the progress of their work.

Many laboratory alchemists earnestly devoted themselves to the scientific discovery of new compounds and reactions and, therefore, must be considered the legitimate forefathers of modern chemistry.

Thus, by the fourteenth century, alchemy had developed two distinct groups of practitioners – the laboratory alchemist and the literary alchemist.

et cetera